Installation and Deployment
For local deployment: - docker
For local debugging: - docker - python 3.11 with package pipenv - dbeaver - PyCharm or VSCode
Before install you need install docker app on your machine
Installations by steps
1. Clone sources from github
Clone this main repository to local machine
Clone submodules2. Create security keys
For authorization, we use JWT with signature (RS256). Any external application can check access token by our public key.
For creating you can use openssl tool:
mkdir cert && cd cert
openssl genrsa -out stretch.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in stretch.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out stretch.crt
cd ..
3. Setup environments variables:
Project contain environments variables (if needed).
For easy setup copy env-dist to .env:
and env.common-dist to .env.commonAfter that setup environment variables if needed:
JWT settings
- JWT_PRIVATE_KEY: path to private key file (default:
) - JWT_PUBLIC_KEY: path to public key file (default:
) - ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES: expire time for access token (default:
) - STRETCH_SECRET_KEY: secret key salt for hash generation
Database settings
- DB_HOST: database hostname (default:
) - DB_PORT: database port (default:
) - DB_NAME: database name (default:
) - DB_USER: database user (default:
) - DB_PASSWORD: database password
API route settings
- STRETCH_API_PREFIX: api prefix (default:
) - STRETCH_API_URL: api base url (default:
Twilio settings
- TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID: twilio sid
- TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: twilio auth token
- TWILIO_SERVICE_TOKEN: twilio service token
- TWILIO_TEMPLATE_TOKEN: twilio template for sms (prefer:
Payment settings
- PAYMENT_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY: stripe payment key
- PAYMENT_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: stripe secret key
- STRETCH_MAPTILER_KEY: api key for access to api
- MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN: api key for mapbox
Google credentials for access to gmail and firebase api
- GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE: google credentials file (default:
) - GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_TOKEN_FILE: google access token file (default:
App settings
- STRETCH_AUTO_APPROVE: auto approve all resources and services if true (default:
4. Building frontend
For building ReactJS project we use also docker.
Setup .env vars - VITE_CLIENT_ID= - VITE_CLIENT_SECRET= - VITE_BE_URL=http://localhost/api/v1/ - VITE_WS_URL=ws://localhost/api/v1/ - VITE_HASH="0000000" - VITE_MAPBOX_TOKEN=
For building write command:
5. Running
Configure database with demo data
For run project just write:
- Frontend http://localhost
- Documentation http://localhost:8080